Sunday, January 4, 2009

Best Rooibos Tea

My mom recently got me hooked on Zingiber Ginger Coconut, a caffeine free rooibos tea. I find myself adding sugar to a lot of teas but not this one. Ingredients include ginger, coconut, cinnamon, apples, cardamom, black pepper, and almonds. Even if this tea wasn't easily accessible to me through online ordering I would still treck the two hours to washington square mall to refill my tin before it got low.

Zingiber Ginger Coconut made by Teavana

1 comment:

  1. This really is the best tea ever and rather addictive. And the trek to Washington Square would work out better for me, so forget the cost of gasoline and the convenience of on-line shopping and let's support our local merchants. Okay, just kidding. Cool blog idea. Keep those ideas coming. Mom
